The Mission...

A Arte de Reciclar (The Art of Recycling) Mission is based upon two main principles:
  • Raise awareness into the world around us, and the need to preserve it, inculcating in each person who crosses our path new ways of looking at the "junk" that we produce ...
  • Take this "junk", appeal to the creativity of the individual, challenging mentalities and minds, encouraging a path of self-knowledge, of breakthrough of their own potential, to think outside the box, physically and mentally .... what can I do with this "junk"?
Taking these two concepts, applied individually, we come to the practical application: pick up bits of "junk", and through simple techniques, releasing creativity, giving wings to the imagination, and rewrite the history of this wasted object, or in other words, the history of how to give new life to old or broken parts, considered dead and useless, and turn them into beautiful decorative pieces or jewelery, that despite carrying a past that ended up in the trash, see their life renewed, like the Phoenix reborned out of the ashes.

And is each creation, its personality, its originality, and unrepeatable character – as result of its inherent “junk” randomness – that brings up the potential for renewal and sustainability that we have within each of us, both in those who create it, as in the one who purchases a unique piece, and that even without realizing, perpetuates this awakening of consciousness to the urgent need to reduce rampant consumerism, ending the concept of "throw-away", cherishing the history of each "old and useless" piece we pass through the hands throughout the life, and discover how to continuing its story...
In short, in a word:


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